Magnesium for sleep: the natural solution for a restful sleep

Have you noticed how a bad night's sleep puts you in a bad mood, leaves you without energy and with a ferocious appetite the next day?
And don't even mention how frustrating it is to toss and turn in bed while your mind is racing through every worry from the day before or what might happen tomorrow.
Discover magnesium for sleep: a natural solution that calms your nervous system and relaxes your body and mind, so you can wake up energized, without cravings, and ready to face the challenges ahead.
Benefits of taking magnesium before bed
- Sleep like a rock: forget about those sleepless nights that make you spend the day like a zombie, grumpy and with dark circles under your eyes. Magnesium for stress allows you to fall asleep faster and sleep deeply all night long. It even helps in cases of insomnia.
- Relax completely: To sleep well, you need to be relaxed. Well, there is a substance secreted by the body called GABA that relaxes your nervous system and promotes calm. And yes, magnesium helps regulate it so you relax and prepare for rest. On top of that, it prevents any muscle discomfort during the night, such as waking up due to a calf cramp or a menstrual spasm.
- Wake up in a good mood and with energy: Serotonin, the happiness hormone, also benefits from magnesium. By increasing its levels, you will feel calmer, more positive and less stressed, which translates into better rest and more energy!
- Forget inflammation: Who can sleep well when you're in pain or inflamed? Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and promote more restful sleep.
- Calm anxiety: Do symptoms of anxiety and depression keep you awake like an owl? The truth is that not sleeping well makes everything worse. Magnesium will help you reduce anxiety, irritability and nervousness, allowing you to lower stress and rest deeply.
Magnesium for sleep: ideal dose
Through my research in integrative functional medicine, I discovered that 300 mg of magnesium per day is the ideal dose to combat sleep problems in women.
This amount is especially important if you are over 40, as hot flashes, excessive sweating, and poor nutrient absorption can decrease your magnesium levels.
Which magnesium for sleep is best?
Magnesium glycinate is the best choice for sleeping like a baby, because it is easily absorbed and does not cause digestive problems. In addition, it contains glycine, an amino acid that has an extra calming effect.
I have a secret for you 🤫 You too can experience all these benefits for yourself.
And my anti-stress supplement, Serena, has 300 milligrams of magnesium glycinate and is already helping thousands of women sleep like angels.
The best thing is that I combined this supplement with 9 additional ingredients, such as Sensoril® Ashwagandha, a plant that works wonders for achieving deep and long sleep, because it relaxes you and reduces stress.
Do you dare to try it?
Important: This content is for educational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. If you have any health conditions, please consult your doctor.